Breathwork for teams

Breathwork - or conscious breathing - is a simple practice, available to anyone and easy to make part of your day. It involves focusing on your breathing and practicing techniques with a wide range of proven benefits, from improving your mood to sleeping better to boosting learning and creativity.

Nick is a trained breathwork instructor who specialises in working with teams to use conscious breathing to help them connect, get in sync and collaborate and to help each individual learn simple ways to control how they feel.

For individuals, a session can train you to:

  • Prepare for the day and feel energised, alert and balanced

  • Keep it together when you experience anxiety, stress or frustration

  • Make the most of breaks, downtime and moments of peace

  • Transition from work to home

  • Wind down and fall asleep more easily at the end of the day

For the team, a session can train you to:

  • Transition from a busy day or hectic commute into working together as a group

  • Feel connected and synchronised

  • Re-energise and re-balance when you’re feeling a bit flat or chaotic as a group

  • End an intense period of discussion, learning or creativity and give your brains a chance to process.

Nick has worked in breathwork for over 10 years, teaching groups of children, young people and adults all over the UK; collaborating with teachers and therapists to explore new ways to inspire breathing practice, including the design of an award-winning biofeedback video game; and training teams working in frontline services, who need to manage a lot of daily stress and also want to help those they work with benefit from conscious breathing techniques. Nick has been trained as an instructor in Pranayama, the yogic practice of focusing on your breath, by Michaël Bijker

What to expect

In an hour long workshop, Nick will work with the team to:

  • Explain the practice, how it works and how it feels

  • Discuss ways that it could be valuable for the team (and others in their lives) and hear about anything team members are nervous about or want to cover

  • Learn basic controlled breathing techniques

  • Practice a 30 second self-regulation exercise - that is easy to use anytime, on your own and in group sessions, to rapidly help you feel balanced and focused

  • Practice a 15 minute energising session - that teams can do together or on their own to feel activated and focused

After the session together, you will:

  • Receive some resources to help you learn and practice more

  • Be invited to share how you felt and how you might use the practice (always a good way to make it more likely!)

  • Be welcome to continue the conversation about how else these methods could become part of your work. This includes:

    • Support for those that work in care, health, teaching, counselling or other work where breathwork might help these individuals and groups deal with stress and anxiety, heal and feel more confident about controlling how they feel

    • Workshop facilitation approaches, which help design and run sessions in ways that make groups feel connected, energised and balanced

Sessions are an hour long, remote or in-person and for groups of up to 30 people.

The standard cost of a session, including a prep call and aftercare, is £250 (+VAT), plus any travel time and expenses. We can chat about bespoke sessions and bundles.